Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Stuffed Animal Mommy's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there...including the mothers of furry, stuffed animals!

My tuchas is all clean and dry.

Diaper attempt #1

Cookie Monster is not cooperating, but Adalyn is a very patient Mommy.

Diaper attempt #2

Adalyn tells Cookie Monster what a big boy he is and gives him a hug.

It's time to get me dressed.

Purple Monkey has a rest after bringing in the New Year.

My future's so bright...

...I gotta wear shades!

I start my day with a nutritious meal
But oops! I made a mess!

Tiger's ready for his morning cereal.

Packing peanuts are reserved for Lion's strict diet...of packing peanuts.

Dragon Puppy and Chloe are put in time out while Adalyn gets Lion's meal ready.

Little girl underwear, a bouncy ball, and a nutritious meal of packing peanuts...what more could Lion ask for?

Adalyn doesn't encourage any stuffed animal to watch TV while they eat.

Kitty looks fat and happy after a delicious meal.

I'm rushing to the potty, Mom.
I think I have to pee.
I love it when you're sitting here
Reading books to me.

Adalyn's potty training Pumpkin.

Potty time for pumpkins!

Adalyn is so proud of her doll using the potty all by herself!

The world's a vast and wondrous place.
Please teach me lots of things.

Adalyn's helping Tiger learn how to write his letters.

Halloween Kitty is learning the history of Caturday.

Typing classes are not just for humans...

Halloween Kitty learns that a computer mouse is not exactly tasty.

Cookie Monster learns that he has to pull his own weight around the house (or in this case push someone else's).

Let's run and jump and learn about
The fun that each day brings!

Purple Monkey has fun on the new slide!

A Valentine's Day heart cake for a Valentine's Day Bear!

Adalyn introduces Lazy Harp Seal to all of her friends.

Tiger and Adalyn watch Frosty the Snowman together.

Adalyn ensures that Cookie Monster has a good view of the monkeys at the zoo.

It's time to brush my little teeth
And put my pajamas on.

It's time for Pumpkin to get his teeth brushed and his contacts taken out.

I'll drift off to sleep knowing that
You're the world's best Mom!


Happy Mother's Day!

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