Sunday, May 5, 2013

Christmas Preparations (and SANTA!!)

Christmas is the one holiday that requires the most preparations...there's food to make and eat, presents to wrap, a house to decorate, festivities to enjoy, Santa to can all be overwhelming for a two-year old.

"Mom, I need more food. I gave Rudolph my last Cheerio."

French toast...providing the energy you need to get through another day of Christmas preparations.

It's time for a Christmas parade!

Pretty much everyone's happy place with all of those decorations.

We can never forget about catching up on our favorite Christmas classics...

"He's grouchy, Mom."

Our very own little Cindy Lou Who.

The moment we've all been waiting for...time to see SANTA!!!

Adalyn goes out of her way to look nice and sophisticated for Santa.

Adalyn is so excited to see Santa that she forgot to tell him what she wanted for Christmas.

Adalyn has so much to show Santa.

"Take me with you Santa! I'll help you take care of your reindeer."

Adalyn tells Santa all of her secrets.

Adalyn is so excited to see Santa that it's affecting the way she walks.

Most kids just sit on Santa's lap for a photo...not Adalyn.

After visiting with Santa, Adalyn, Mommy, and Daddy take a stroll through the River of Lights at the Botanical Gardens.

Adalyn wonders how this poor dinosaur feeds himself - his arms can't even reach his mouth! a toddler need any other reason (or any reason at all) to start dancing?

The ant was cold...

Adalyn gives this ant a big hug.

Adalyn squeals, "IT'S NEON PEGASUS!!!"

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