Saturday, April 30, 2011

Eating Big People Food

It's now official. Adalyn is a big girl and not just from the chubbitude (well, some of it IS from the chubbitude). Adalyn had her first big girl food - rice cereal! Yum!

There you have it, folks. Proof that most of the rice cereal ended up in her mouth. Sort of. Well, it does take a while to learn how to be a big girl...and how to look cute doing it, too.

Daddy acts as a chair and splash guard

Adalyn's mouth is a moving target

"Sigh. So full, and yet, there's still more food to be eaten!"

"This spoon isn't real gold!"

Adalyn prepares the catapult

"Oh hai!"

Top View

Peeper competes in the cute-a-thon
So what happens to babies once they start eating big people food? Well, they start growing into big girls. Some of them started a long time ago.

Adalyn doesn't realize she's in the No Peeking Zone

Adalyn gets snorgled by Daddy. (Look how beautiful her blue eyes are!)

Adalyn fends off the mamarazzi

Adalyn reaches for the Fish...of DE-E-ESTINYYYYY (Insert dramatic hand sweeping here.)

"Bring me Solo...and a cookie!"

Adalyn's happy that she's finally a big girl!
Bonus kitteh pics:

"Cloth diapers? You mean like a baby litter box? I thought it smelled like poo!"

The cat trap has caught another kitteh.

Ninja plans an escape route.

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