It's official...Adalyn is the new Spongebaby Biggirlpants. Every day her nergin (noggin to the layperson) is soaking in new information like a sponge, and her pants get just a little bit big-girl pantier. So what's going on behind the scenes?
- Everything gets a "hi!" This leads to such silly phrases such as "hi, shoe" and "hi, poot" (even poots need to be welcomed into the world). And Adalyn's "hi, cat" has morphed into "hi, kihee!" (kitty), which I believe is the off-brand version of a certain cute, pink, commercialized kitteh...
- Ah, "beyey buh" (belly buttons). Adalyn has discovered how awesome they are and hunts down any belly buttons in a 10 foot radius.
- Along with belly buttons, Adalyn can name everything on her head and knows where her hands, toes, and feet are.
- "Uh oh" is heard often whenever Adalyn drops a toy or herself.
- Adalyn's first molars are breaking through, and we've had a few visits from Grumpers Pantsen, Adalyn's grouchy, grumpy twin. Yay.
- Adalyn can seat herself in her chair, thank you very much. AND she can sort of feed herself and Mommy with a spoon...with her left hand! Dun dun DUUUUUN! Will she be a leftie like Mommom? Find out in 1-3 years!
- Adalyn now says her name "Aaaay" while patting her chest. Then she pats Mommy's chest and says "mama."
- After every sip of water, Adalyn sits back and gives a refreshing "aaaaaaaaaaah."
- Adalyn likes to Hat the Baby with pants, blankets, socks, actual hats...whatever's laying on the floor. And after every good hatting, Adalyn wanders over to the mirror to check herself out, and many giggles and squeals follow. Sometimes the hat stays on...sometimes it's ripped off.
And the one thing that makes it all worth it...
- Adalyn says "luh you" (love you) and places Mommy's hand on her cheek. Sometimes the lovefest ends in cuddles, a big hug, and a closed-mouth kiss. Mommy's heart melts every single time.
Mommy, Daddy, and Adalyn pack up to visit Vivienne for her 1-year birthday! And that means...Adalyn's FIRST airplane ride! Well...on the outside that is. She was quite the world-weary traveler by the time she was born, visiting both coasts and making many trips down to Houston as Mommy's little mascot. Adalyn had lots of fun in the airport and on the plane, sleeping only when it was inconvenient for Mommy, of course.
Uh oh, Adalyn makes a break for it. |
After a 2-1 vote, it was decided that Adalyn needed a chaperone in the airport. |
Daddy, the Baby Wrangler |
After a fun plane ride of opening/closing the airplane window, opening/closing trays, greeting people, and nonstop eating, Adalyn is reunited with her cousin, Vivienne!
Vivienne holds the elephant steady as Adalyn loads it up for some crazy fun. |
Double the hugs, double the fun |
Whoever wins this round gets the first hug from Nana. |
Gus distracts Adalyn while Vivienne tries to take out her competition. |
Adalyn taunts Gus with the ball. That'll teach him! |
After some indoor fun, we all head outdoors to romp around in the grassy terrain and gaze at the cows. But it's all fun and games until someone brings out the food. Behold! The Great Cracker Caper!
"Tra la la la la...I have a delicious nom nom." |
Meanwhile, Mommy and Adalyn play around in the grass. All is calm. |
Uh oh, Adalyn's radar picks up some food in the nearby vicinity. |
"Mwahahahahaha, I now have your delicious cracker!" "Hey! Come back with my cracker!" |
Adalyn fires up her defensive lasers. "PEW PEW PEW!" |
Adalyn taunts her victim by taking a big bite out of her trophy cracker. |
Vivienne sneaks up on her attacker...WILL SHE RECLAIM HER CRACKER?!?! |
NO! All is lost as Adalyn declares herself the Cracker Winner! |
After the Great Cracker Caper shenanigans, it's time to watch the cows (on the moooooove, haha). |
The cracker only made Adalyn hunger for more crunchy morsels. |
All is forgiven as Vivienne gives Adalyn a huge baby hug. Awwwwwww... |
Adalyn and Vivienne have been playing together so much, that it's time to kick back, have some refreshments, and relax.
Adalyn and Vivienne go out in style wearing matching shoes. |
"Adalyn's taken the lead on blue! Vivienne tries to catch up on yellow!" The crowd goes wild! |
The crowd gives a collective EEWWWWW as Adalyn and Vivienne switch cups. |
Adalyn takes a ride in the "cah" (car in Adalyn's Boston accent) as Mommy and Vivienne give it the gas. |
Adalyn makes a pit stop for a refuel. |
Uh oh, looks like the pit stop included a driver change! |
Adalyn tries out Vivienne's new baby-sized chair. And approves. |
Adalyn's never had pretend tea's delicious! |
It's time for Vivienne's ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY BASH! The cake is made, the presents are wrapped, but is Adalyn ready to go?
The Babycake is dressed up as her alter ego, La Cake-a. |
Adalyn enjoys the party...and the food. OM NOM NOM! |
Oh my goodness...who gets a cow cake? So cute! |
Nana helps Vivienne prepare for her first birthday BLOWOUT! |
Vivienne gave such a fine performance that the candle was the last one to know that it was out. |
Hmmmm, I'm seeing a theme here...Vivienne's dressed up like the cow cake...could Adalyn be dressed up as the strawberry cake? |
Adalyn demolishes her cake and starts in on the crumbs. |
Add these happy, bewildered parents to the "How Did the Last Year Go By So Fast?" list. |
This is what two proud Daddies look like. |
The party continued back home, where Adalyn learned how to ride a horsie.
Bleh! Baby tongue! |
Aunt Patricia and Adalyn pose for the camera. Vivienne, on the other hand, is still recovering from her party. |
TADA! Adalyn's first horsie ride! |
Adalyn wasn't prepared for the giddy up! |
Adalyn puts on her bow and cape to become SUPER CUTE! |
The festivities have ended, and Mommy, Daddy, and Adalyn head back home. Adalyn had so much fun though that she slept during the whole plane ride! But just because the party's over, doesn't mean the fun has to end. Mommy and Daddy have tickets for the Mythbusters Tour!
Mommy and Daddy had so much fun at the Behind the Mythbusters Tour! Mommy was <this> close to getting called up on stage! |
Peeper breaks in all of the Mythbusters t-shirts Mommy brought home. |
Adalyn has her back pack and a phone. She's ready for the world! |
Adalyn's ready to take on the world! |
Bonus kitteh pics:
Peeper and Ninja wait in line as Michael cleans out the litter box...patiently of course. |
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