Friday, October 28, 2011

Uncle Joseph Visits!

Uncle Joseph is in town! YAY! What did Adalyn do when she first saw Uncle Joseph? Plopped her head down on his chest and gave him a big hug...Awwwww. Besides hugs and sloppy wet kisses, Adalyn's also following in Mommy's footsteps and harassing her uncle...muwahahahahaha! Let the torture begin!

"Don't move, or I'll use my pinky attack on you!"

Uh oh...Uncle Joseph surprise attacks Adalyn! Minus the surprise...

Adalyn and Uncle Joseph bond over some silly internet videos of cute fluffiness.

Baby Airlines...folding up the landing gear...ready for takeoff!

Adalyn is not only an adventure baby but an adventurous eater as well. New tastes, new smells, new textures...and new positions.

Daddy starts the baby out in a normal position, but things get silly pretty quickly.

"Don't mind me, nothing weird going on over siree!"

Adalyn multitasks by combining artistic dance moves with eating.

If you put all of these pictures together in a flip book, you can see Adalyn's journey firsthand.

Adalyn is not ashamed of her apple addiction (or mommy's alliteration...haha).

So what happens when Adalyn tries a new, exotic food? Do we get the same silly antics we've all grown to love?

With our bellies full and round, we turn our attention to Adalyn's busy day. How does this adventurous soon-to-be-toddler fill out her day?

With her rippling baby flab, Adalyn pushes the door open just enough to fit her round, full belly through and escape.

Adalyn reaches out an eager, but gentle hand to "pet" the kitties. The kitties are not amused.

Since Adalyn is almost a toddler now, she must learn how to toddle around in style. Introducing...FOOTWEAR!

The infamous giraffe socks we got when she was first born. They now fit and are just as silly as I thought they'd be.

"How do you get these off? ENH!"

Adalyn wears shoes for the first time...and approves of them.

If your footwear is fashionable, then the rest of you has to follow.

Oh my goodness! We're ready for a hoedown!

Fashion baby gives out fashion kisses. MWA!

Adalyn's had her eye on the winking cupcake for awhile. Now if she could only get it into her mouth...

Still Tocktober! And now with yummy treats!

Bonus kitteh pics:

Peeper ups the cuteness factor. I totally want to bury my face in all that soft fur!

Ninja runs out of room for her head and squishes herself against the computer.

Ninja cuddles against Peeper...can't take the cuteness!!

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