When you're a parent, you come to that well-worn crossroads traveled by many a parent before you..."Am I raising my kid right?" Well, we here at Adalyn Central would like to think the answer to that question is yes. I mean, look at her. Adalyn's cute, adorable, cares about her parents...
Adalyn thanks Daddy for her delicious meal and plays with his lips and beard to show her appreciation. |
Adalyn even plays fun, silly games with her parents...
But that all changed the day that Adalyn decided to take up a life of crime...
Adalyn gets bored with her own toys and decides to steal some cat toys...MUWHAHAHAHAHA! |
It takes awhile to steal cat toys when you have to stretch your tiny arms to the back to get them... |
The Pink Bandit emerges, and she's on the run from the law! Oh, where did we go wrong?!
Adalyn hides her top teefers in case anyone recognizes her. |
"What do you mean I look like a convict that escaped from jail? OH NOES!" |
Adalyn looks for greener pastures, where she can frolic freely and the cat toys frolic freely, too. |
"Maybe I can just cute and adorable myself out of trouble! Yeah, that's it!"
Adalyn grabs a quick bite to eat before continuing her journey of crime. |
Adalyn is tired of running. There is only one thing this baby can do now... |
Adalyn figures out that life on the run is hard work! She turns herself in by locking herself up and throwing away the key.
Life is hard for a baby, but a life of crime is even harder. Adalyn hangs up her villain's hat and decides that Mommy and Daddy are not so bad after all. The End.
Bonus kitteh pics:
Peeper lays claim to the swing now that it's too big for a certain baby. |
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