Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Buckles and Bandits

When you're a parent, you come to that well-worn crossroads traveled by many a parent before you..."Am I raising my kid right?" Well, we here at Adalyn Central would like to think the answer to that question is yes. I mean, look at her. Adalyn's cute, adorable, cares about her parents...

Adalyn thanks Daddy for her delicious meal and plays with his lips and beard to show her appreciation.

Adalyn even plays fun, silly games with her parents...

But that all changed the day that Adalyn decided to take up a life of crime...

Adalyn gets bored with her own toys and decides to steal some cat toys...MUWHAHAHAHAHA!

It takes awhile to steal cat toys when you have to stretch your tiny arms to the back to get them...

The Pink Bandit emerges, and she's on the run from the law! Oh, where did we go wrong?!

Adalyn hides her top teefers in case anyone recognizes her.

"What do you mean I look like a convict that escaped from jail? OH NOES!"

Adalyn looks for greener pastures, where she can frolic freely and the cat toys frolic freely, too.

"Maybe I can just cute and adorable myself out of trouble! Yeah, that's it!"

Adalyn grabs a quick bite to eat before continuing her journey of crime.

Adalyn is tired of running. There is only one thing this baby can do now...

Adalyn figures out that life on the run is hard work! She turns herself in by locking herself up and throwing away the key.

Life is hard for a baby, but a life of crime is even harder. Adalyn hangs up her villain's hat and decides that Mommy and Daddy are not so bad after all. The End.

Bonus kitteh pics:

Peeper lays claim to the swing now that it's too big for a certain baby.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nana and Grampa's Labor Day Visit

YAY! Nana and Grampa decide to head on over to Albuquerque for a Labor Day Hootenanny! There was a hootin' and a hollerin', and a good time was had by all. How good? Well, Mommy's not going to lie, but if any of y'all have a heart condition, you might want to lie down while viewing these pictures.

Adalyn gives many sloppy, wet kisses to Nana. MWA!

Grampa reads to Adalyn about mythical ginormous dogs.

"Did that really happen, Grampa? OH NOES! What happens next?"

Now it's Nana's turn to read to a tiny, attentive audience.

Nana and Grampa came bearing many gifts, and like a proper Ruler of All That Is Cute, Adalyn goes through them all to show her gratitude.

With her magical powers, Adalyn makes the doggie lie down. TADA!

To everyone else, this looks like a full frontal attack. To Adalyn, she's petting the doggie.

"Ruff! Ruff! I'm a doggie, too, Nana!"

Adalyn's new companion watches as she analyzes a spoon.

New toys from Nana and Grampa are always fun, especially when they look like ordinary, every-day baby clothes hangers!

Daddy teaches Adalyn the proper way to cover your hanger in slobber.

Adalyn learns how to battle with hangers.

Adalyn, Puff Thief Extraordinaire

The hanger battles have been fought, and the puffs have all been's been a long day for a baby.

After many hugs and kisses, Adalyn decides it's time to put on a show for Nana and Grampa. Adalyn grabs a curtain-like thingy, hides behind it, and voila! Peekaboo!

When Adalyn isn't putting on a show, and she thinks no one is looking, she sure is a pretty silly girl.

Adalyn contemplates the deliciousness of her toes and feet. Mmmm...feet.

Tocks up! Adalyn prepares for her first Tocktober.

Ever wonder what it's like to have Adalyn coming at you with that look in her eye like "I'm gonna give you a big, wet, sloppy kiss?" Well, wonder no more.

Adalyn likes to make several laps around the coffee table, and sometimes, we get a nice peekaboo show of a baby head popping up over the coffee table with a silly grin on her face. This video was taken during her peekaboo show, but she thought the camera was way more interesting.

Adalyn has learned that attacking Daddy when he's on the floor is really fun...and we're pretty sure Daddy enjoys it, too.

Uh oh...Adalyn gets an evil grin on her face.

Adalyn launches a tiny attack on Daddy.

Adalyn poses for a picture with a freshly caught Daddy.

Daddy tries to block the next baby attack, but Adalyn is rolling...rolling...and tossing it in the pan for a Daddy Pattycake!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

End of Summer Shenanigans

The days are shorter, the heat is backing off, but the shenanigans never cease! Things have been busy over here as Adalyn is preparing to walk and talk - she's mastered many sounds, including "mama", "dada", "teh" for the cats, and "neh" for Ninja ("p" is still a little hard to say for Peeper)...all at the speed of a baby cruising around the furniture and walls. Adalyn has really good control of her legs and can stand all by herself for around a minute now - she can even clap her hands or wave them around while standing!

Adalyn's also been playing peekaboo - she hides her face with her shirt or a curtain, and then, SURPRISE...a baby! She's starting to get too smart and cute for her own good!

As the summer is nearing an end, Adalyn's packing in all the shenanigans she can before the fall shenanigans commence.

Adalyn really enjoys watermelon...mmmm, watermelon.

"I meant for the watermelon to fall out of my hands as I was about to eat it...TADA!"

Adalyn is in deep concentrayshe as she artfully arranges the watermelon.

Adalyn analyzes watermelon's ability to go from a solid to a liquid with only slight changes in pressure...

Art is found in many forms, so Adalyn expands her repertoire into the kitchen...

With the help of her assistant, Adalyn shows off her unfinished masterpiece, L'escargot.

Adalyn continues work on her masterpiece using a new medium...blehhhh...

Adalyn contemplates the awesomeness that is L'escargot.

With the huge thunderstorms we've been getting lately (thunder and lightning and rain, oh my!), Adalyn decides that it's time she's prepared for when the diapers hit the fan.

"Umbrella...check." Adalyn practices (man)handling an umbrella.

"Water source...check." Apparently, wet washcloths are delicious and sometimes nutritious.

"Cheeky expression...check." Why is this needed? Only Adalyn knows...MUWAHAHAHA!

"Shoes...check." Adalyn loves to chew on shoelaces.

"Mommy kisses...check."

And now it's time for an EXTREME BABY CLOSE-UP!

The "Look at how cute I am as I steal and eat your food" expression

The "Seriously" sideways glance

Adalyn's bulldog impression

The "I'll just take your food while you watch in disbelievement" look