Saturday, June 4, 2011

Souvenirs with Minnie Ears

After a few weeks visiting with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Hautzenroeder, Poppop has come back through to tell Adalyn all about his adventures in Los Angeles! Poppop went to Chinatown, Universal Studios, the Hollywood Walk of Fame...and DISNEYLAND!! What kind of presents did he bring back from DISNEYLAND!! Let's find out...


"Why, yes, I am rather cute and adorable! Thanks for asking!"

Adalyn snuggles with Poppop on the couch. Awwwww...

Adalyn and Poppop in deep conversation about the struggles of being cute.

Adalyn is SO cool that she uses Mommy as an armrest.

This outfit caused a small riot of cute at the grocery store.

FEE FI FO FUM! I see a Minnie baby's bum!

"Oh hai, Mom! I'm coming to get you!"

Adalyn's never too busy to stop and give a smile to her adoring fans!

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