Saturday, June 22, 2013

Spring and the Easter Bunny

While winter is a great time for festivities and sitting indoors wrapped up in a blanket watching your favorite movies....

Adalyn watching Shrek 2...the movie Mommy and Daddy watched on their first date. Awwwww.

Adalyn demonstrates the proper way to wrap yourself in a blanket while sitting up watching TV.'s nice when Spring finally arrives! The smell of the flowers blooming, the wonderful sounds of the birds chirping, the greenery emerging from a dark winter sleep, the crunchy sound of snow beneath your feet...wait, what? SNOW?! I thought it was Spring!

Ninja checks out this substance called "snow."

That's a lot of snow...

Ninja stalks her prey...crunch...crunch...crunch...

A kitteh in a tree in the snow is a loco gato.

Adalyn takes lessons on how to pat snow off of her mittens.

Looks like another kitteh is going to play in the snow today.

Step, crunch, shake...step, crunch, shake...

Little cat feets leave little cat prints...

Adalyn's excited to build a snowman.

Hmmm, it's a little colder than Adalyn anticipated.

"Yikes! It feels like my underwear is frozen, Daddy."

All the Frosty we could make before a little girl couldn't take it anymore.

The snow finally melted, and soon we were greeted with beautiful flowers springing to life all around Albuquerque.

Adalyn is proud of her hand-picked collection of beautiful flowers. Tada!

Even Spring has its share of Grinches.

Once the weather warms up for Spring, flocks of animals burst forth from their Winter home to frolic in the grass.

Adalyn tends to her flock of playdough kittehs.

Strawberries are a special treat for playdough kittehs.

Animals are getting so feisty around here with the arrival of Spring that it's starting to feel like they escaped from the zoo!

Well, not all animals were able to escape (Ninja has been letting Adalyn pet her...but only when she's desperate for affection).

Four little monkeys sitting on the furniture...

A monkey is loose...

Adalyn has conquered what no other monkey could.

"Oh hai, Dad!"

"Monkey chow? For what?"..."Well, for the monkeys, of course!" (Who can guess what movie that came from?)

Spring is also a time for people to try out the latest fashions...

It looked good on the rack...

Ah, Adalyn has found a much more suitable hat...Daddy's! She looks cuter in it anyway.

A look only Adalyn could pull off.

Adalyn's ready for the next shindig. Let's do this!

We can't forget the cutest part of Spring...the arrival of baby animals! Our friendly, local owners of the Old Windmill Dairy needed help feeding all of their baby goats. This sounds like a job...for Adalyn!!

Adalyn's abilities are vetted by the gatekeeper.

If it looks like a farm...and smells like a must be a farm!

"We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I'm making waffles!" Quite possibly the fuzziest donkey I've ever seen.

Adalyn gives Mommy tips on how to properly feed a cute, baby goat.

One kid is overwhelmed by cuteness, and another one hams it up for the camera.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! One at a time!"

Awwww...this kid jumped up for a big Adalyn hug.

*blink, blink* This kid can't get enough of the camera.

Double your pleasure, double your hugs.

It's time for kisses!

Uh oh! Looks like this baby goat could use more kisses! Mwa!

Adalyn has plenty of hugs to go around.

Adalyn has reached the point of cute overload.

Daddy babied this sickly, newborn goat and is bringing it inside for extra care.

Adalyn braces against the harsh wind but leaves knowing that her job was well done.

Now that Adalyn has all of her teeth in, what better way to start getting rid of them than Easter candy! At least we'll have her work for her candy in this year's SECOND...ANNUAL...EASTER EGG HUNT!

The playground is a good tool for burning off even more pre-hunt calories.

Anthony and Adalyn have some fun before the gloves come off in the Egg Hunt competition.

Somewhere in this picture are tens of hidden Easter eggs...

Ah, she found the one at the base of the tree...but did she find the one nestled in the hole in the tree? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Adalyn analyzed her loot...and there was much rejoicing.

And now...the moment we've all waited's EASTER!! And the Easter Bunny visited and brought Adalyn all sorts of candy!

Candy...toddler Legos...stickers...a miniature Easter Bunny...tissue paper for the kittehs to is good.

Uh oh...looks like Adalyn's had so much candy, she's gonna asplode!

What's Easter without some Easter Bunny ears?

Mommy and Daddy make Adalyn work for her colorful Easter eggs.

These eggs are so awesome, I'm not sure what could make them better...

WOW! Googly-eye stickers make these the awesomest Easter eggs ever!

WARNING: Too much candy can have adverse effects on your toddler.