Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Zoo Stew

Zoo Stew

Total Time:
  • Prep Time: 30 mins
  • Inactive Time: 0 mins
  • Total Time: most of the day

  • 1 peacock, free range preferred
  • 1 golden lion tamarin monkey, stirred, not shaken
  • monkey bait to acquire monkey
  • 1 duck pond, churned slightly by lots of little duck feet
  • splash of polar bear bertums
  • pinch of baby hair


On a cool, not cold, morning, head on out to the local zoo. After rummaging around for fresh, organic monkey bait (i.e. cereal, crackers, etc.), use the monkey bait to lure a golden lion tamarin monkey to the edge of the enclosure; acquire monkey for stew. Catch a feisty peacock, then head on over to the duck pond. Throw all of the ingredients into the duck pond and stir. Simmer until toddler finally passes out. Serve with rice.

This penguin goes around visiting all of the other animals at the zoo.

Since Adalyn can't read, the "Do Not Touch Animals" sign is obviously not for her.

These monkeys put the spider in spider monkeys.

Apparently this monkey knows what a cracker looks like (the cracker was a snack for Adalyn, not for the monkey). Adalyn liked this monkey so much that we got her a stuffed version of this crazy guy for her birthday.

Uh oh, these turtles must have seen Adalyn's cracker, too! It just took them forever to get to the fence.

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it must be Adalyn.

Adalyn perfects her duck call.

Adalyn is excited that she finally caught the attention of one...make that two...uh oh, now three...

Da dun...da dun...uh oh! The duck makes an escape as it hears the Jaws theme song, which is never a good thing.

This polar bear understands what Tocktober is all about...polar bear tocks.

The peahen is mightier than the swarm of people.

WARNING...peamommy and peabebehs crossing.

Adalyn's impression of the monkey begging for a cracker.

Adalyn's impression of the monkey's crazy hair.

Last, but not Least Pictures:

You're traveling through another dimension...a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead...your next stop: the Peeking Zone!

Who knew that watching Sesame Street was the equivalent of riding an emotional roller coaster. Elmo's in the scene...YAY! Elmo leaves the scene..."WHERE'D ELMO GO?!?!" Thankfully, this is a happy scene.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

One Last Visit with Uncle Joseph Before Japan!

OH NOES! Uncle Joseph has been stationed in Japan for two years! How will he get his dose of baby cute overseas?? Adalyn takes it upon herself to drag Mommy and Daddy to see Uncle Joseph before he leaves...and to give Uncle Joseph all the cute he needs while he's away...and to pack as much fun as possible into several days. Of course, Fall in the Houston area means only one thing - the Renaissance Festival!!

Adalyn's purple monkey hitches a ride with Uncle Joseph.

As a Marine, Uncle Joseph is proud to serve his country. As an uncle, he's proud to serve his niece in any way that he can.

RenFest Roll Call: Daddy...check. Uncle Joseph...check. Mommom...check. Adalyn...check. Mommy...behind the camera, check. Monkey...holding on for dear life, check.

Monkey's excited to go to the Renaissance Festival with everyone.

Uncle Joseph finally realizes how silly this whole thing looks...

After battling our way through pirates, knights, dragons, and cars, we finally make it to the front gates of the Renaissance Festival!

Adalyn's ready to see everything RenFest has to offer, dragging Mommom right behind her.

Adalyn always has time in her schedule for a hug for Uncle Joseph.

Can't forget the smooches!

"Adam's apple...but I thought your name was Uncle Joseph?"

Adalyn's fascinated to see a big "monkey" that talks and moves! And says hi!

This "alligator" received many baby squeals and giggles...and hugs.

Cute toddlers for sale! Get your hot toddlers!

Adalyn starts the negotiations at 1 bracelet for a bite of lemon bar.

Nothing cute and fuzzy goes hungry around Adalyn.

Hi, Uncle Joseph!

Adalyn put up a good fight all day, but sleep finally won out in the end.

Hi, Daddy!

Mommom gives Adalyn a helping hand to pet the bunny.

Adalyn's excited that she finally caught something to pet.

You can tell what really blows Adalyn's skirt up...

This little girl is going to need a bath after all the hugs and pets and smooches...

Goats!! Donkey!! Adalyn makes sure that everyone gets a petting.

Looks like Daddy needed a helping hand...

Introducing the 2012 Fall Olympic Games lineup: Leaf Raking, Bunny Jumping, Baby Bowling...

Baby Bowling, Part 1

More baby bowling and introducing the baby toe snack tray...

"IN THIS CORNER, we have a 25 pound toddler whose nickname, Babycakes, inspires fear in the hearts of even the girliest men. IN THIS CORNER, we have a Marine who hasn't exercised in 2 days. ROUND 1...FIGHT!"

When little girls attack...

"...Babycakes hurls Uncle Joseph on the floor, putting the dreaded Toddler Hold on him..."

"...Babycakes puts our Marine in a headlock, but Uncle Joseph is still able to slowly crawl away..."

It's not fair when the tables are turned! Hmph!

"...1...2...3...HE'S OUT! BABYCAKES IS THE WINNER!!"

Uh oh...a new contender has entered the battle...

OH NOES! He's getting away!! Will Babycakes be able to hold onto her Toddlerweight Championship?

It's time to tell Uncle Joseph goodbye! Mommy, Daddy, and Adalyn wish Uncle Joseph well in Japan. And maybe a visit to Japan is in our future??

"WHOA!!" Adalyn throws up her hands as the airplane takes off.