Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fort Worth 2: Electric Boogaloo

Fort Worth 2012...the sequel! It's time to pack up the family, hop on a plane, and visit Nana, Grandpa, Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Patricia, and Vivienne! So what are Adalyn's latest accomplishments that we can tell to Nana when we see her?
  • Adalyn is now using the potty! For it's intended purpose! YAY!
  • Adalyn knows that animals have tails. After learning that Ninja and Peeper have a tail, she looked back at her bertums to see where her tail was, and finally looked at Mommy's bertums to see if she had a tail! Adalyn now knows that she doesn't have a tail (after much giggling), but she knows pretty much where all of her other body parts are!
  • Adalyn not only tells tiny, three-word stories to Mommy and Daddy, she now tells stories to Head Floof, her purple sock monkey.
  • Adalyn is learning to count to five and she pretty much knows it by now.
  • Adalyn is learning her letters and has her favorite letters picked out, like W and S.
  • Adalyn knows her colors, but will intentionally get a color wrong - usually this means that she gets tickled until she tells Mommy the right color. What a silly (and too smart for her own britches) girl!
  • Adalyn knows the difference between big and little. She doesn't realize that she's a little girl that will someday be a big girl, but we're working on that.
Big events, like going to the airport and riding on a plane again, require lots of planning and anticipation. At least it did for Mommy...everyone else though, not so much.

Adalyn: "What does my shirt say?" Mommy: "Sweet." Adalyn: "Yes, I know my glasses are really sweet, but what does my shirt say?" Twenty bazillion points to the person that knows the movie reference.

Adalyn remembers what it means to relax and take it easy. She worked hard to set this up.

This is Adalyn's default sleeping position, feet out. Ya really.

Adalyn brought home this flower from the grocery store. Daddy thought it was too pretty to go to waste.

Adalyn tries to pronounce Hautzenroeder. She's so cute that you don't even care how wrong she is. Oh, and she's telling everybody's secrets. :) It helps with potty training.

Adalyn thinks it's hilarious when fuzzy things (like this baby duck) look like they are running up to get her.

Vivienne was really excited to have someone her size to play with again. It didn't take Adalyn and Vivienne long to catch up on the last six months.

"Do you mind? We're having an important discussion over here."

Whatever this is, it's silly.

Adalyn likes getting chauffeured around; Vivienne likes taking her new "doll" for a spin. This relationship is off to a good start.

This picture just about sums up our whole trip: Adalyn eats again. Look at that belly...her shirt (and diaper) can barely contain it!

Nana always has room for hugs from her two favorite girls.

Some would call this a tackle. Vivienne calls it a hug.

This silly picture has it all: matching outfits, clothes in a pool, little girls wondering where their popsicle went...the works.

Evidence of Aunt Patricia corrupting the girls with country music videos. Of course, there's no evidence of Aunt Brenna corrupting Vivienne with silly YouTube videos.....muwahahahahahaha!

Uh oh...looks like Aunt Patricia's playing Hat the Baby.

Now it's Uncle Jeremy's turn...these country music videos must be addictive!

Adalyn's ready for July 4th in her red dress, white socks and shoes, and blue sparkly bow.

After sitting in chairs that were either too big or too little, Adalyn finds a rocking chair at Nana's that was JUUUUST right.

July 4th was so much fun for Adalyn! We saw fireworks for the first time, had an ice cream cake to celebrate Daddy's and Uncle Jeremy's birthdays, saw a big dog and a little dog, saw was a busy day. So busy that Adalyn was ready for an early bedtime! So the next morning, Daddy decided we should take it easy and enjoy the morning out on the balcony. What did we do on our balcony adventure?

We saw the moon...

We ate breakfast...

We ate strawberries and showed Mommy our cereal...(the cereal's getting soggy...and strawberries are getting LA-A-ARGER! Seriously, another twenty bazillion points to whomever gets this one.)

We loved on Daddy...awwwwww...this is Adalyn's "love you" pose. We love you, too, babycakes!

We looked really cute...

We shoved more handfuls of cereal in our mouth...seriously...

We saw cows...MOOOOOooooo!

We ate yogurt and smiled for the camera at the same time...

We saw a worm on a blueberry, free with every package...(awesomesauce)

And we peeked at a worm! It was a busy morning.

It was fun for Adalyn to hang out with Vivienne, but sometimes you need one-on-one time with Nana.

Adalyn shows off the skills she acquired during swim lessons.

About the only time Adalyn could hop in the pool unattended...

Adalyn shares her favorite pastimes with Nana...and one of her favorites is blowing bubbles!

Another one of Adalyn's favorites...coloring! And it's even better with Nana!

Daddy decides it's time for another adventure! This time, we go to the backyard and play outside in our pajamas.

One of many baby vehicles of Vivienne's that Adalyn tried, then jumped out in favor of the next one.

Hmmm, what kind of present could Daddy have left Uncle Jeremy?

WOW! A bug army! Perfect for Uncle Jeremy's G.I. Joes to battle! Daddy is so thoughtful.

Daddy's big, crazy lion and little, chubby tiger...what can't be done with sidewalk chalk?

Mommy's cheeky frog welcomes the two little girls to the garage that houses more baby vehicles than adult cars.

Mommy's not-so-bad attempt at a butterfly.

Ah yes, another Mommy masterpiece.

Daddy's butterfly and kitty must have followed Adalyn's diet this week...

Mommy's cheeky frog is WAAAAAY cooler than Daddy's silly frog.