Friday, November 25, 2011

Adalyn's First Taste of Thanksgiving

Okay, okay, it's not Adalyn's first Thanksgiving.  But it's the first time she's had some Thanksgiving deliciousness. Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, bread with pumpkin butter...MmmmmMMMM!

But before we get to Thanksgiving, let's check up on Adalyn's progress in the cute department:

She's walking, she's talking, and she's got the shoes to show it! So how is she getting her cute everywhere?
1. Adalyn says "BANG" and points both her fingers. Where'd this come from, you ask? From none other than the opening credits to the Big Bang Theory. Sometimes there is dancing and booty shaking...
2. Adalyn points a finger and says "Stay!" with all of the authority a 1-yr old can muster. So THAT'S what Mommy looks like when she says it...
3. Adalyn can now wave and say "Bye" as a complement to her "Hi" routine. Many unsuspecting victims have been unprepared for this particular onslaught of cuteness.
4. Add the cats to the list of unsuspecting victims...if Adalyn sees Ninja or Peeper, they get a heavy dose of "Hi, Cat!"
5. And add inanimate objects to the list as well. Adalyn picks things up, puts them to her ear, and says, "Hi!" Her favorite object to do this with, of course, is Mommy's phone.
6. Whenever Adalyn sees a dog, not only does she say "dah" for dog, she pants like one, too.
7. Adalyn puts her finger to her mouth and says, "Shhhhh." Especially when we're about to wake up Daddy!
8. Lots of new words have been added to the vocabulary: "ree" for tree, "bay" for baby, "bir" for bird, and of course, all of the other ones listed above.

With Christmas around the corner and a birthday under her belt, Adalyn's quite the pro when it comes to opening presents.

"Is it a hat? No, it doesn't sound like one..."

Daddy's little cupcake/babycake indeed...

"Yay! More presents!" Thanks Grandma Ada!

"Look Mommy! Free shirt included with wrapping paper!"

Adalyn loves her zebra shirts. So does Mommy.

Adalyn eyes the loot and is very pleased.

Uh oh...a game of Hat the Baby is afoot. This time with a real hat.

Adalyn greets her new sock monkey with lots of kisses.

Blocks for Adalyn, tissue paper for the cats. It's a win-win for everybody.

Cat toys, baby's really all the same thing.

Adalyn sees some animals she's familiar with and new ones she'd like to get to know better.

Adalyn's second birthday cake - thanks Aunt Holly!

Ah yes, the invisible cat trap.

Another victim is claimed...

Yay! Thanksgiving's finally here! Thanksgiving is all about the food, fun, family, and friends - and we had a heaping helping of each. Thanks Mark, Anna, and Anthony for a wonderful and delicious Thanksgiving!

"Oh hai, Mom! Did you see all of these new toys I get to play with?"

"Hey, wait a second! This is just like the one I have back at home!"

Give a baby keys for their birthday, and they take the car out for a spin.

"Vroom, vroom! BEEP BEEP!"

Adalyn shifts it into third. She's a pro!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Adalyn is now ONE...YEAR...OLD! YAY! So, what has she accomplished this first year?

Adalyn says "mama", "da-ee!" for daddy, "ca!" for cat, "dah" for dog, "chee" for cheese, "tai" for touch with gentle touching motions, and "hi" with cute handwave action and can repeat words a few times after you say them. Adalyn's also crawling, walking, and climbing on baby-sized things...such as the dishwasher. Adalyn gives big hugs and sloppy kisses and is getting into new things she shouldn't every day. Adalyn also "helps" getting dressed and undressed.

She's a grizzled 1-year old...seen it all, done it all...has the diapers to tell the story. At this point in time, she's the biggest she's ever been, and the smallest she'll ever be.

So how do you throw a party to celebrate all this?

Carrot cake complete with bunny and carrot accessories.

Adalyn cases the loot.

Daddy lights the candles on the birthday cake!

Adalyn prepares to blow out her birthday candles for the very first time.

Here's a video of Adalyn "blowing" her candles out. She still needs lots of practice.

And now we eat CAKE!

The carrot cake gets rave reviews.

Adalyn LOVES her carrot cake.

"So this is how old I am..."

Adalyn contemplates how many big pieces of cake she can fit into her mouth now that she's a big girl.

Our bellies are full of delicious cake, so now it's time to open some presents!

Adalyn's caught red-handed as she tries to sneak a peek.

Daddy lends a helping hand to the first-time birthday girl cuz opening presents takes skills.

"Hey...a bonus gift came with my wrapping paper! This is awesome!"

Adalyn learns that scissors are serious business. Too serious for babies.

Mommy and Daddy learn that wrapping paper is WAY more fun than regular toys.

Uh oh...Adalyn gets her first coloring book! Will she redecorate just the book or the whole living room as well?

TADA! Fishies! Just like at the Aquarium!

Adalyn LOVES singing...especially when it's to songs about fashionable bunnies.

Adalyn demands more sacrifices! So we peek into Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Patricia's present.

A game of Hat The Baby is afoot.

Adalyn's currently not winning the Hat The Baby game.

Oh haha! Daddy got hatted!

OH NOES! Everybody's hatted!!

Adalyn explores all of the cups potential uses.

Adalyn examines her bracelet that Nana and Grandpa gave her.

Daddy's secretly amused by all of the cute baby clothes.

Adalyn admires her dog clothes!

Adalyn pours some birthday cheer into the looked lonely.

Hey, wait a second...Tocktober was last month!

Adalyn wastes no time marking her new territory.

Mommy shows Adalyn how to color the monkey.

"Oh hai! I'm coloring with Mommy!"

Adalyn takes a hold of the reins. Uh oh...

Adalyn realizes how silly her socks are.

ACK! Mommy attacks! NOOOOooooooooo!

Adalyn received a mountain of clothes...and that can only mean one thing...FASHION SHOW!

Mouse outfit AND mouse socks? Definitely CUTER than a mouse! Even the really tiny fuzzy ones with cute paw action...

Adalyn shows off her mouse butt!

Uh oh...this wasn't part of the show! Adalyn steals Mommy's phone!

Adalyn is super excited to start calling people and rack up some charges.

Bonus kitteh pics:

Ninja's butt keeps Peeper nice and toasty.