Friday, March 18, 2011

Under The Sea

Here's our latest stats from the last pediatrician's visit: 14lbs 9oz, roughly 24.5 inches long (she was squirming a lot so who knows?).

Adalyn's world has now expanded to the sea - we went to the Aquarium on Saturday! Adalyn saw people, other babies, fishes, sharks, stingrays, eels, turtles, lobsters, etc. We had a lot of fun, and it kept her entertained, which is getting harder and harder to do these days!

To begin our journey, Adalyn boards the belly carrier express. ALL ABOARD!

Even though it looks like serious business, Adalyn is having a blast!

"Daddy, did you see that? It moved!"

You must be this tall to view the tank

"Mommy, there's no time for pictures! Look at all the stuff over there!"

"OH NOES! That fish is going to get us!"

Adalyn and Mommy laugh at a silly fish

Bright lights, big fishy
Adalyn also had a few laughs in her sea swing at the mysterious Siren's song and her flowing hair...

Uncle Alex is in town visiting his favorite niece. Adalyn has snagged another minion....MWAHAHAHAHA! Look how helpless Alex has become in her midst.

"Okay, I want one of you to close your eyes, and one of you to open them. Go!"

"...And switch!"
So, with all of the pictures that I've been taking, I forgot to post a few last week! Here are some "bonus" pictures. :)

"Watch me grow...HUGE and CHUBBULAR!"

Outfit courtesy of Mommom before we knew boy or girl. She looks cute in blue.


Cheeks in picture may appear smaller than they really are

"And ye shall weareth thy name on thy shirt..."

How do you spell cute? A-D-A-L-Y-N

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tiny Adventures

Adalyn's four months old today, and she already has some tiny adventures under her diaper-belt. She will definitely be world-weary by the time she's one year old! Let's recount some of our adventures...

We went for a ride on the belly carrier express...

Just like when I was pregnant, except she's bigger, has clothes on, and is right-side up. But she probably made that face in the womb...we'll never know.
"RAWR! I'm having adventures!"
We navigated the treachurous passes of the ginourmous mountainside and battled the troll on the path to food and beverages...all in our insta-teddy bear outfit.

Maybe Daddy helped battle the troll, but I supervised.
"Oh hai!" At Sandia peak
We found out what it means to be a bunny...this is important because teeny, tiny bunnies will be here soon!

Bunny in the headlights look
Bunnies only fly when no one is watching
Aunt Holly begins bunny classes

Learning how to perk our ears up
"I'm a real bunny!"
"I'm a get you!"
Adalyn reminisces about lush, grassy fields
We learned how to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day...

Adalyn had so much milk that she stored some in her chipmunk cheeks for later
We conversed with jellyfish...

Adalyn tells the jellyfish about her many adventures
We put on different hats...

"To hat or not to hat...wait, what was the question again?"
Too many patterns...blech
Curtsying. "Pleased to meet you ma'am."
"I could be a chef...or French...or a cupcake."
After deciding to be French, Adalyn adjusts her expression accordingly.
Adalyn now tries on the cupcake persona
You have to ask yourself one question..."Do I look delicious? Well, do I...punk?"
Whew! That was a lot of adventures for one baby! Let's relax with Aunt Holly and the kitties...

"I count one kitty..."
"Hey, where's Peeper?"
Ninja relaxes on the couch
There's Peeper!