Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Santa has been caught!

Few people believe Santa Claus exists in the wild - like the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot. Well, I'm here to tell you that Santa IS real....

.....tiny. Here are pictures that capture this elusive creature. (No Santas were harmed during this photo shoot.)
I was able to catch Santa before she got away. (I call my look Nouveau Mama. It's all the rage in Paris.)

What a freshly caught Santa looks like

Santa poses for the press release photos

Santa sneers at the accommodations of her captors

"Hey, where'd everybody go?"

Santa makes demands to be let go at once or children everywhere get no Christmas!
Adalyn really liked her Santa suit, courtesy of Grandma. We figured we couldn't have a Christmas without Santa, and well, Adalyn drew the short straw. We had so much fun taking pictures, and she was such a good girl during the whole thing. Her hat kept falling down over her eyes, and Adalyn would really look around like we suddenly disappeared. The whole thing was really cute.

This morning, Adalyn was again Smiles McCuterpants. Here's a picture of her smiling at Michael.
And here's a picture of Daddy time.
Bonus kitty pictures:
Peeper decides to give herself away to the lucky recipient on Christmas

Ninja decides that petting herself is more efficient

Monday, December 20, 2010

Baby Shark Strikes Again!

The Quicktime to Flash video conversion works! TADA! So, here's a video of Adalyn right after she's eaten. I do stress right after because she started to make hunger cues during the video. Sigh. It's amazing I have time to post these pictures. :)

Grandma Stanley and Uncle Jeremy came for a visit last weekend! Adalyn is slowly gathering her minions so she can rule mercilessly over them with cute...I mean meeting her relatives. :)
Adalyn tries to fist bump Uncle Jeremy

In Grandma's arms. Yes she really does sleep like this (THRILLER!)

Ninja has defected to someone with enough time to pet her
We all had a really fun visit! Too bad it was only for a short time. Uncle Jeremy did go through baby boot camp though before heading off to his 8 month pregnant wife. He learned the following:
1. Babies cry. A LOT. Especially ours. And it hurts our ears. We'll be deaf by 35.
2. Babies poo a lot. Especially ours. And it's gross.
3. How to change a diaper. This was rated Intermediate instead of Beginner since Adalyn squirms around a lot.
4. Babies will steal your soul; and your sleep. There's really nothing you can do about this except avoid babies. Some of us choose to have babies despite this, and our souls and sleep are now gone. :)
5. Cats in new baby households will defect to anyone willing to pet them. They might even crawl into your luggage for an extended "vacation." Our cats had the chance, but they missed it - probably because their souls had already been stolen by Adalyn.

This morning, Adalyn was all Smiles McCuterpants. She's slowly understanding what a huge responsibility it is to be a cute baby - she must train relentlessly day and night to increase her cute skills.
The camera captured a rare glimpse of a behbeh in the wild. They're known to lurk in plain sight and lure their prey in with flashes of cute.

If I didn't already have my soul stolen, this smile would've stolen it.

First, I was all practicing the ways of teh cute....

But then I serioused.
Adalyn gets really excited when she's about to eat. So excited, in fact, that we've had to implement a "No Unsupervised Latching" rule around the house.
Baby shark begins circling....

Baby shark opens mouth in anticipation....

Baby shark checks if victim is aware of surprise attack....

Baby shark goes in for the attack, but gets thwarted by victim. This time.
Kitty Bonus Pics:
May the floors be with you (why yes we're huge nerds, why you you ask?)

Peeper uses Ninja as a body pillow

Kitty Kiss - Mwa

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Is Adalyn ever NOT held?

Does Adalyn ever strike it out on her own outside the comforting arms of her devoted fans? The answer: yes, but not a lot. :) In fact, she was able to get away for a few moments to try on a new outfit, courtesy of Grandma.
Om nom nom nom nom

Oh hi!

At the rate she's growing, this outfit may or may not fit when Christmas comes around. Now here's Adalyn in her usual place(s):
Peaceful with Poppop

Uh oh, starting to wake up

Our usual position on the couch

Passed out with Mommom

And passed out, snorgling with Daddy
Amidst all of the baby chaos, the cats are able to relax and take it easy. They think that I have a "kitten" to take care of now, and whenever Adalyn cries, they go over to her with obvious mama cat concern. It's really cute. So, after all of that, here's some bonus pictures:
Peeper takes time out of her busy schedule to read a Comcast mailer