Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fashion Show

Apparently Grandma Stanley couldn't resist the temptation to go all out shopping for a baby girl - considering she had two boys. You'll have to excuse her. :) Since she only fits in one or two outfits out of the avalanche of "fun" clothing we were blessed with, here's some of her in her first fashion show. Fun clothing includes a hat with a big flower, a Santa suit, giraffe socks with taffeta on top, etc. which I'm sure will make a debut on here someday when she's bigger. :) Oh, and there's a picture thrown in of Adalyn in her going out attire.
Just got back from pediatrician

Kitty outfit with hat

Kitty outfit with bow

Hiding a cheeky kitty on her shirt

Not hiding a cheeky kitty on her tush

Peeking over Daddy's shoulder

Mommom Time, Feeding Faces, and Monkey Hair

Adalyn and Mommom with new hat

Turtle Lip

Drunk on milk

Totally gone and cheeks - WITH A WIDE ANGLE LENS!!!

Blurry smile

Sneers and jeers

Dopey grin

Daddy, look at my chickens!

Monkey hair brought to you by the chicken fairy apprentice

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Welcoming Trubs!

Adalyn Leighton Stanley
Born 11/10/10, 20 inches long, 6lbs and 15 oz!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Shenanigans

Michael and I had one last hurrah before Trubs comes. The combined total of our costumes for Halloween was $12.00 - you don't want to spend too much money when you're not even sure if someone is going to let you wear it or not.

I went as a ginormous Jack-O-Lantern. Not too much execution required - just grab a lawn bag already decorated, insert pregnant lady, and we're good to go.

Here's me before the "costume" is added:

And here's an updated exposed belly:

Yah, I have smirky lips where my belly button used to be! Speaking of smirk, Michael caught the kitties enjoying our new glider the other day. Apparently, even the glider has the kitten seal of approval.

It's synchronized sitting. Let's get a closer look - ENHANCE!