So it seems like Michael and I need to take a class on how to assemble baby gear/furniture. We consider ourselves intelligent people, but I swear, the instructions are written (and drawn) by people who've never seen the product they're trying to describe.
The Chicco pack and play instructions were actually really good - accept for the fact that we had 4 metal rods left over that were not mentioned anywhere in the instructions; I least three times. Thankfully, Michael and I were able to figure out where they went after several days.
We assembled the Chicco stroller, and had some fun with those instructions, even though they were written by the same company as the pack and play. The instructions were mostly pictures and required us to keep flipping the stroller upside down, then right side up, then upside down again...and of course several steps were missing. Thankfully, the stroller was mostly assembled, and the steps that were missing were decently obvious. Once everything was put together, we got to test out the stroller with a baby-sized analog:
As you can tell, Peeper looks thrilled to participate.
Michael also tried on the baby carrier we received, and he looks like a member of the SWAT team: